Process Simulation/Realise-

Empowering The Enterprise

OBI ventures have successfully designed and simulated client’s manufacturing plant’s scenarios in order to guide and provide them the best scenarios for the growth of organization. Process simulation tool helps you to digitally design the twin of the real factory layout gives you the power of;

➢ Design for Process Change

➢ Constraint Analysis

➢ Production Scheduling

➢ Bottleneck Analysis

➢ Buffer utilization

➢ Machine utilization

➢ Customized Reports

Process simulation can be implemented in various sectors; whereas, we are currently working in the AUTOMOTIVE, MANUFACTURING, HEALTHCARE and INFRASTRUCTURE sectors. 

Simulation Tools-

Currently, we are using witness horizon for simulation and optimization.

➢ Witness provides facility of designing twin models of real time discrete events.

➢ With the use of experimenter module witness can optimize the designed system simulation model.

➢ Witness comes with the 3D environment to give you more realistic feel of variant/product flow.

Process Simulation in Automotive Industry-

“Customer is God”

In automotive industry satisfying customer with effective results is the priority. We are helping our clients to reach the satisfaction thru the “Process Simulation”. It also has the ability of designing the model with consideration of all physical and time constraints. Our team designs simulation models to give an insight about client’s factory business. By using simulation tool we can design the models for

➢ Throughput Improvement
➢ Cost Reduction
➢ Inventory Management
➢ Buffer sizing
➢ Reduction in Lead time

However, Process Simulation can help you to give approximately 30% of business improvement.

Process Simulation for Manufacturing Industry-

“Do it right first time”

In the planning stage of any manufacturing industry process simulation can play a key role. OBI Ventures can help you to design and simulate different foundry layouts of your choice. Our objective in designing manufacturing systems is to provide the most optimal and flexible solutions. For the manufacturing industry process simulation can help to design and simulate the systems in the areas of

➢ Material handling system
➢ Mould making, pouring and cooling
➢ Core making assembly and setting
➢ Parts assembly

Process Simulation for Healthcare sector-

“Utilization is Priority”

The most important factor in the health care sector is uncertainty. By considering this factor we help our clients to design full proof organized hospitals/ health care systems. We guide our clients to organize their healthcare systems by;

➢ Controlling Patient flow

➢ Number of beds

➢ Number of emergency wards

➢ Number of vehicles needed etc.

So that, whenever any unwanted situation occurs our clients can handle it avoiding panic. Our simulation tool has the provision of designing a specific healthcare system. By using that we can actually test the future critical situations and can design the model accordingly.

Process Simulation in Infrastructure/Aviation Sector-

“Management is the key”

OBI Ventures is expanding its roots in various sectors and aviation is one of the important one. Aviation comes up with the safety of passengers and their comfort. However, in such scenario simulation can help this sector to simulate the number of possibilities and get ready for the possible situations. We are providing services to regulate the effect of major decisions in business and the administration sector. We are helping our clients in design and simulating;

➢ Passenger flows

➢ Baggage handling facilities (conveyor capacities)

➢ Expected changes in schedule of aircrafts

➢ Logistics management etc.

Managing all this will ultimately leads our client to effective decision making, better communication and team integration.

Have a Look into Videos


Manufacturing-Assembly Line

Automotive Flow-line

Automotive Flow Line 3D

Case Studies


A detailed current scenario of the automotive flow-line is modelled initially. This is done so that the investment in the expansions can be verified and validated.


Three different types of Body-in-white(BIW) of cars enter this flowline section from one end. First they wait in a buffer before getting loaded on the Load station. Special purpose carriers pick them up from the buffer and load them on the load station. After which they travel across an overhead conveyor before getting unloaded on the unload station. After unloading the body in white of cars, these empty carriers return back to starting position where they can pick the body in white from buffer again.


In the current scenario, with 6 special purpose carriers number of BIW of cars that wait in the load buffer are 9-10 on an average. The customer wants to reduce the number of BIW that wait in buffer from 9-10 to 0-1 on an average.


It was identified from client side that, the bottleneck is number of carriers. If we could increase the number of special purpose vehicles from current 6 to proposed 20, it would help in achieving the objective of 0-1 BIWs waiting in buffer. To launch an expansion project for increasing the number of carriers.


A detailed Simulation model of the current scenario was built to verify & validate the data and also to check for any hidden factory elements. After the model was built, it was verified that 9-10 BIWs wait in the buffer on an average with current 6 Carriers. To verify & validate the expansion project we changed the number of carriers from current 6 to proposed 20. After running the model again, we encountered that the objective of 0-1 BIWs waiting in the buffer is met, however the traffic is building in the entire section and the product flow is not seamless. A case where you have treated a process in the entire flowline which has a detrimental effect on the entire system.
After doing an analysis, we asked the customer to increase the carrier numbers from current 6 to proposed 12. This was because, it was verified by running the model that not only the objective is met but the product flow is also seamless. This saved huge money in the expansion project as they had to get 8 less carriers as planned earlier.
Thus, with Simulation will not only help you decide & verify the quantum of expansion project but also help you see the effect it will have on the entire system.


A detailed Study analysis of the current flowline is done. Due to inaccurate production scheduling, peak throughput isn’t achieved. Also, it was observed that operators are Idle for longer duration.


The Flow line assembles generators of different capacities by assembling Alternator and Engine together. Alternator and Engines are prepared separately at the start of the line before they are coupled together with appropriate Radiator, electrical and mechanical fitment. The Generators are then stored in the warehouse located in same vicinity. Broadly there are 6 product families and lot of product variations.


The current scheduling was done by a scheduler based on his experience. The throughput was 6 in one shift of 480 mins. The estimated throughput increase would be 9 in a shift if we could do a detailed study analysis and accurately schedule the products.


We started with classifying the processes wrt product families. Identified in the operations of each process, the standard and optional installations. So the standard operations on any process will happen and happen irrespective of which product comes on that process. Optional installations are the options provided to customers, which will happen only if the customer has ordered that option. This increased the visibility of the process and products.


A detailed Simulation model was built of the current scenario with all product families and processes. A excel sheet was created called LaunchPlan which would download all the order from ERP for coming week. This launchplan had not only the product family ordered but also the option placed by the customer.
Since the customer could go with any option, it was configured to say Y if required and N if not required by the customer. This data from Launchplan will automatically configure with the simulation model. Any changes done here will reflect there.
This approach increased the scheduling accuracy from previous 80% to 95-99%. In the adjacent sheet to launchplan, a Sheet called Output was given which would give Factory performance, when the order will get completed, how many operators will be required and other statistics.
This also empowered the planner to try different sequence to send down the flow line and find optimum sequence. This would not have been possible otherwise by stopping the line to test the sequence. Also the firefighting gets reduced as he has the visibility of not only about performance but also has the power of flexibility with sequencing.
This had profounding effect in scheduling which saved Rs1.5-3 Cr annually.